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We've done all we can to give you, the user, as much control as possible over what information is sent and what the mod does with any information sent back.

The OpenEye configuration file is a bit different to what you're probably used to - our configuration file is in a format called "JSON".

Here's what it looks like by default:

    "features": {
        "reportsBlacklist": {
            "value": []
        "responseBlacklist": {
            "value": []
        "haltOnDangerousFiles": {
            "value": false
    "data": {
        "scanOnly": {
            "value": false
        "tags": {
            "value": []
    "debug": {
        "pingOnInitialReport": {
            "value": false
        "crashOnStartup": {
            "value": false

I'll try to walk you through the options..


reportsBlacklist: This lets you stop certain reports from getting sent to the server. You can list multiple values - the possible options are:

  • 'analytics' - adding this will stop any analytics data being sent. However, without analytics data the server can not respond with any useful information.
  • 'crashlog' - adding this will stop any crash reports from being sent
  • 'file_info' - this will stop basic information about files from being sent
  • 'file_contents' - this will stop more detailed information about a file from being sent

Here's an example of the configuration file changed to stop file information and crash reports from being sent:

"reportsBlacklist": {
    "value": ["file_info", "crashlog"]

responseBlacklist: This will make the mod ignore certain replies from the server. You can list multiple values - the possible options are:

  • 'file_info' - this will ignore requests for more file information
  • 'file_contents' - this will stop detailed information from being sent
  • 'dangerous_file' - this will ignore any warnings about dangerous files
  • 'notes' - this will ignore notes that have been added to files
  • 'known_crash' - this will ignore any crash information sent from the server

Here's an example of the configuration file changed to ignore dangerous files and crash information:

"responseBlacklist": {
    "value": ["dangerous_file", "known_crash"]

haltOnDangerousFiles: This will halt the game if it detects a dangerous file

"haltOnDangerousFiles": {
    "value": true


scanOnly: Mostly a debug tool. It'll send ALL file details up by not analytics.

tags: This is where users or mod packs can list custom tags that they wish to send up to the analytics. For example:

"tags": {
    "value": ["my_super_mod_pack", "something_else"]


pingOnInitialReport: This sends up a ping packet. You do not need to use this!

crashOnStartup: This will force-crash your game on startup. Don't use this! It's a testing tool!