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Decorative ladders mod by ahmed4363

3D ladders but with different block textures, i need suggestions please give me them

Gunpowder Recipe by Halkony

Creates gunpowder recipe for Industrial Craft 2

Fluid Cows by FTB_lag

Cows with fluid!

Pixelmon Information by §6Bletch§r

§fThis extension adds additional information for use with §bPixelmon§a 7.0.0§f. §fBuilt with: §bForge§f §bJEI§f §bHwyla§f 1.8.26-B41_1.12.2

Mob Defensive by 'ForsakenTurkey', 'MCE626'

Defend yourself, dammit!

TBF MOD 1.12.2 by James Fibe, MCreator

This adds one block that is very hard to break and can be used as a fuel, the fuel is way better than coal and charcoal.

SuperChest Mod by Takaranoao

Super Chest mod.

Falling Blocks Mod by pc, MCreator

More Alco Mod by Buget POL Studio, MCreator

Hello, is new funny mod has add Alcohol in game.


This is a mod.

PneumaticCompressing by hedgehogpie12

An addon for PneumaticCraft that adds new recipes and items etc.

Meals by meew0

A mod that adds configurable food.

opensource food util tweak

GGGlasses - 1.6.4 by 33kingkiller & hayhay01em03

A mod by 33kingkiller & hayhay01em03. This mod adds several different pairs of glasses into the game that each have different effects on the player entity. Hope you enjoy!

Hardcore Tools by MCJediYoda


Minecraftmods by User, MCreator

Condensed Experience by ItHurtsLikeHell

A condensed exp that will give you experience

Hypixel - YouTube by boomboompower

Use §9/youtube§r to get started! §7|§r Made with §d<3§r by boomboompower

mod_TheWalkingDeadMod by MobApocalypse, MCreator

Based on 'The Walking Dead' TV Series by AMC

FastTrade by Dazo66 MC_Eden

FastTrade mod.


This is a small GPS mod. It adds a GPS to the game showing you the position of other players.

Yamazakura by Yamazakura


Panterakawaii's instantmod by Panterakawaii, MCreator

This mod adds istant houses. based on the Istant house mod.

Crocodilite by Teksturepako

Some good stuff


Dieser Mod fügt ein Waffen Upgrade System ins Spiel ein ,welches ihnen erlaubt die Schwerter bis hin zu Level 5 abzugraden


Utility for dealing with books (backup, restore, copy, paste, etc.).

Placable Milk by SlimeyFellow, MCreator


RotN Tweaker by ExampleDude

Custom mod for Rebirth of the Night