ItemCounter Mod by powns
A dank display that shows how much of a certain item you have.

Diamantino Hack by DiamantinoOp, MCreator

PacificRimMod by luise, MCreator

MRK's Ranked Cosemtics Mod by MRKDaGods
Client sided ranked cosmetics


AllTheThings by Shnupbups100, OmgImAlexis
Adds materials and stuff! WIP, do not expect everything to work.

Assisted Progression by pauljoda, dyonovan
Tools to help you throughout your world

Rocket Squids by FredTargaryen
They're not the squids you think they are at home. Oh, no no no.

Bad Wither No Cookie! by droidicus
A simple mod to silence the Wither and Dragon broadcast sounds

Husbandry and Pies! (RE) by hwylacarrot
Mod adds a husbandry and a lot of pies, also more food and Muddy Pig.

Over Crafted Mobs Two by SoggyMustache
New Crazy Entities

Undestructible by The_Icy_One
Make your structures undestructible.

This is an example mod

WebCTC by Kaiz_JP, masa0300
No more need to build a complicated circuit and IC. Let's make CTC more easily with WebCTC !

Backups by Silly511
Makes backups.

Crazy Crafting Recipes

Prometheus Integration by Baughn
Exports statistics to the Prometheus monitoring format.

This is an example mod

RichGuard by LoopRich161
RichGuard для клиента

Xp Ore by wombatty, MCreator
Adds an XP ore and Recipe to craft XP Bottles.

Book Display by Astavie
Displays books while you're playing!

Another Jndi Blocker by Charles445
Attempts to fix jndi lookup exploits

DWZTools by Abelatox
Mod complementario para el servidor Dragon World Z.

Silver Mod by DJBlooky, MCreator
ChangeLOG : fixed missing textures

Alpacaland Roleplay by HP, MCreator

Meow Helper by EmptyIrony
SkyBlock addons for Nine Meow.

Enhancements primarily designed for mc.hypixel.net

Danmaku by 萌犬星

NVL's WarpDrive Extensions

LWG's_Craftable_Music_Records by Lone S, MCreator

Mob Sandwiches Mod by 314owen
Eat Away the Pain!