YoHernClock by YoHern, MCreator
DirtFeul by Dunlix, MCreator
Don't forget to subscribe to Dunlix on Youtube!
SCP:custom sounds by utente, MCreator
PlansPlacer 1.7.2 by gottsch
Server Shutdown Timer by Laike_Endaril
Makes the 'stop' command start a timed, cancelable shutdown, with shutdown warning messages sent to all players
hhh by Egor, MCreator
RMB_player's weapons by XSOOY, MCreator
Music Pack by David Waters, MCreator
Ejector Rail by bjbinc
mod_PortableGUIs by CoolDude4500/SamHaire, MCreator
A awesome way to take your gui's with you!
Swiss Cheese by Fuzs
Changes cave gen back to be more dense like it was before the 1.7 update.
immersivegunpowder by Utente, MCreator
JJBAMODTST by HueroTaquero
The Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Stand Mod
Mod that add some useful things to Open Computers
AE2thing by asdflj
Wireless Industry by ultramarine11
Wireless EU energy transfer, and some cool things
AnalogueRS by CsokiCraft
Expands vanilla analogue redstone.
The Star Wars Mod by JavaBuckets
Enchantment Descriptions by Darkhax
Shows information about enchantments on enchantment books.
mod_Dollarsmods by taze57050, MCreator
DyeableGlowstone by DemoXin
Multi-colored Glowstone! For all your decorative needs!
Colorful Armor
Dye all your armor.
StrengthAim by PenSole
에임에 힘 이펙트 남은 시간을 표시합니다. Command: /strengthaim
This mod adds cool elements to minecraft
Teleport Command by XCompWiz
Adds the tpv command to allow vanilla-based dimension teleportation
This is an example mod
BCAWP by BCUSA, MCreator
Mystic Ruins by oitsjustjose, GotoLink
Magical structures to explore in your minecraft game!
DaVincing by hypercross, two
sculptures and pixel art
mod_CraftableSpawnEggs by Wyatt Wheeler, MCreator
CustomTitleMod-1.8.9 by AquavMods
Change Minecraft Title to a Custom one.
mod_TrollCraft by Raptorking94, MCreator
Troll your freind's in many ways.
Navigator by GTNH Team
A map API providing integration for Journeymap & Xaeros maps
Translocation Mod by ExampleDude
Adds blocks that act like pistons did before 1.11
This is a Filllykung mod :)