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VMC-UTILITIES_1.12.2 by JTPC, MCreator


The End has Risen!

Better Invisibility by Purplicious_Cow, cy4n

Better invisibility improves the invisibility effect by removing particle effects, hiding armor and weapons, and making you invisible to mobs (unless you get too close).

Botania cool sky by RCXcrafter

The fancy sky rendering stolen from Botania.

Block Swap by Adubbz

Introducing Block Swap: For all your block-phobia removal needs!

Colored Blocks Mod by Gregorio246

You want more colored blocks? Don't have them? Now you do!

Additional Compression by RCXCrafter, Wealthyturtle

A Mod that Adds Compressed Blocks to Minecraft

Vertical End Portals by TheRandomLabs

Vertical End portals!

Material Foundation by ICannt Team

Material Foundation



ColouredBlocks Mod by UnderMybrella

The uncolourable can become colourable

Airsoft wool by Reptileblade�, MCreator

wool and gun

More TCon by ExistingEevee

New materials and tools. That simple



Zyin's HUD

Adds various utilities and enhancements to make your life easier. Designed with the advanced Minecrafter in mind

Ageing Mobs by svennieke, Mrbysco

This mod allows mobs to age and transform.

ModBioCodeV2 by Furti_32, MCreator

Bio and Code

Dual tool mod

Mod that allows the player to merge tool heads to make tools with multiple ablities.

Transmutation by Thelazycow1120

A Mod That Lets You transmutate Items Into Other Items.

Dark Matter Tools by Red0310, Mushroomthecat

Adds some dark matter related objects.

gotospace by Nils, MCreator

foodstuff by home, MCreator

TitanOre Mod by Dr_Detonation

TitanOre adds a new ore that can be used to create weapons and tools. More is on the way!

Mo' Blocks Mod by Joeyb, MCreator

Illagers+ by LiteWolf101

A mod that adds additional Illagers

Craftable Experience Bottle Mod - MCV 1.10.2 by Dot_Silver

Still an example placeholder

Lan Login by LeonidM/Dasperal

Lost World SMP MOD by Sergio, MCreator

TCFastTrading by Dazo66 MC_Eden

TC FastTrading mod.


This is an example mod

Memory Bar by Henry Loenwind

Adds the splash screen memory bar to the F3 screen, and with a hotkey to the ingame HUD

mod_for_bomj by �����, MCreator


Palm Trees

Progressive Automation by Vanhal

A mod that adds automation that can be built in the early game and upgraded throughout late game. (Currently only adds a miner)

Halocraft v0.6.3 by KILLER CHIEF

Halocraft v0.6.3 for Minecraft 1.6.4. [Now Completely Multiplayer Compatible!] This mod adds the Halo Guns/Grenades (some of them), the Mongoose, Mobs, another Dimension, and many Items and Blocks. Read the ReadMe for Microsoft's Game Content Usage Rules.