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Ice Shards by ljfa

An addon for Glass Shards that adds ice shards


This mod adds cool things to your game

Block Properties Tweaker by TheLordofMelons

A small mod for adjusting various properties of blocks such as drops, harvest level, and explosion resistance.

EMC Builder's Wand by FusionLord

Adds a builder's wand that uses EMC instead of items.

Fauthren by Sean, MCreator

potioneffects by Ayou


Allay 2.0 by YourDailyModder

Get the Allay to your game. You can find them in the Forest. They are attracted to note blocks, so draw them near with it and let them dance till they get an item from you. They will try to search the nearby area for the given item and bring it to the note block. The Allay will return to its note block if: - the player right clicks on allay with empty hands - it searched more then 3 minute - no items given to search for NEWS IN 2.0* 3. AI movements fixes - now the allay won't start wandering around after dropping the collected item(s). 4. Collecting items improved - now the allay will first check if there is more item that it can collect in the near and will only head back to drop the item(s) if he can't find any. 5. The allay is now less transparent. 6. The Size has increased a bit.

HotKey Mod by ConsumerJunk

Allows HotKey implementation into Minecraft

Arcane Bags by Socratic_Phoenix

Insane storage

Straw Golem by NivOridocs

A mod that add a straw golem, it's a farmer.

Too many swords by MrCartucho, ButiMC

Oxygen: Exchange by AustereTony

Safe exchange system for players.

DiscordWarriors by Nonopichy#1373

Algum mod.

Json Recipes by anti344

Use JSON format(which is used everywhere in Minecraft) to add your own crafting recipes! With NBT, OreDictionary and machines other mods support!

FlashLibs by FlashLabs

A library for Sponge development

Server Backup

Backup your server with ease

Underground_1_12_2 by Brick, MCreator

Generous Ores by NicosaurusRex99

This mod adds configurability to ore veins

Hyplay by Synchronous

Play your favorite Hypixel games from a convenient GUI.


This is an example mod

Korean AutoGG by boomboompower, KOOJA

AutoGG for Using Korean Hypixel User!

MCHeli Parts by Flenix

Lots of parts used in modified MCHeli recipes.



Hospital Mod - Facilities Pack by Leon90, Leon Neary

Facility and miscellaneous items for the Hospital Mod

Don't stub your toe! by Vexatos

Makes you autojump while sprinting.

Mini HUD by masa

Adds some basic information like the coordinates to the screen


Entity 606 and Human

qcm+ by zheny, MCreator

Chicken Hole by jmilthedude

This is a mod about chickens digging holes!


You can create a variety of items by using the diamond.

ParadoxMultiverseMod by TheParaxoid, MCreator

An epic mod by TheParaxoid!

HUD Toggler by Le Duy Quang

A mod that toggles things in the HUD. Simply like that.

N' weapons by Nameko



This is an example mod

Essential Additions by spikespaz, thvardhan

A mod that adds what Mojang forgot. Essential Additions is a Minecraft mod that adds what many people think should have been in the Vanilla game. Credits: Jacob "Dasepos" Dachenhaus (AKA Invisibru) for the logo, Perry Berman for rewriting tool classes. Special thanks to Thvardhan for all his contributions. The mod probably wouldn't work without him.


Skyrim in Minecraft. A re-creation of the game Skyrim, in Minecraft.


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