TFC Metal Index by Peffern
Extend TFCs metal system for better extensibility
FarLands by Valiec2019
Adds the Far Lands back to Minecraft. This mod brings back the Far Lands. However, it also allows you to configure the distance at which they start.
Stackable Stews by Dark_Lizzy
Makes Mushroom Stew and Rabbit Stew stackable.
Block Control Keys by Lothrazar
Key bindings that push, pull, and rotate blocks. Pushing and pulling is restricted to only horizontal. The block rotation key turns stairs and logs into their different positions, as well as carving things like stone brick and sandstone into alternate versions.
Random Mob Effects by Rick South
Randomly assigns a potion effect to all hostile mobs in the world. With blacklist and modded effects supported.
stone to bedrock by Elian, MCreator
Tainted Players by Icedice9, Talonos
Add-on for Thaumcraft. When the player dies from taint, a tainted player spawns!
! by asiekierka
Drama Generator in Minecraft. Joke module.
HuskyLib-1.12.2 by HuskyTheArtist
This is my lib mod which I use for my mods
Mystic Staffs by Red Studio
onigiriMOD by shumao, McMDK
§9Arctic Plus Mod by §6UKMinecrafted, §2Asc4, §eMy Pikmin Loving Friend, §2Josia50
§9Adds things that you would find in the arctic.
Mineral Chance by Kirik985, Serilum
This mod adds a chance of dropping some minerals from stone blocks
Advanced Rifles by mrsharkus12
This mod adds tons of new advanced weps that are better than vanilla ones.
city blocks mod plus (1.0.6) by sajmon242, MCreator
good job partner
Korean Maps for BuildTheEarth by tf2_mandeokyi
Renders korean map for BuildTheEarth project.
Better Railroads by Dongle12
A mod for better utilizing rails and carts
Ninja's Mods by An Inept Ninja
Sneak, Sprint, Saturation, Gammabright, Armor Status HUD
Pokecube AIO by Thutmose
All In One Pokecube Mods
buildingcraft by El chapis
Es un mod que a�adira columnas de distintos elementos, losas faltantes de los bloques de minecraft y una mesa que te dra todos los items que ocupes sin nesesidad de minar (no usaras mas el modo creativo para construir)
Minecraft Castiron Bells Mod by ExampleDude
Minecraft Castiron Bells Mod.
Cookie-Cat by Tymgus 45, MCreator
Adds Cookie Cat from popular show called Steven Universe
gcb mod by gbcck
mod for gcb country.
BBox Outline Mod by 4poc
Shows the bounding boxes of nether fortresses.
ClearChatOnJoin by Jad Chehimi
Clears the pesky spam that most mods violate your chat with on join.
RPG Additions to 1.7.10 features inspired by newer mc features!
TeamBR-Core by Dyonovan, pauljoda
Function Library for Team BR Modding.
secretmodnerd by coolj, MCreator
Danger Lies Ahead by Nierhain
Makes the world more dangerous
CubixSetTools by BestFoxy
CorsairCraft by gudenau
Changes your LEDs based on ingame-status.
Better Than Mending by legobmw99
A small tweak to improve Mending
DataCollector by Mikee
Silly little client-side mod Mikee wrote to extract recipes and images from his local client
Drilldown by Klebestreifen
SekC Physics by sekwah41
Adding realistic physics to mc