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adds new armors to the game

lectronice's Delicatessen

Convert rotten meat to merguez, craft edible swords and paper feathers, paper lanterns, and other bizarre stuff.

R mod by ����, MCreator

Ensoulomancy by zeropoints, chickenmobile

Necromancy and Possession Mod.


UnimCraft adds new Items and Blocks!


This mod includes loads of new flag blocks into your minecraft game!

Painted Biomes by masa

Generates the world's biomes based on a template image

Enchantability by

Enchant yourself.


Enter short description here

TechnicalDimensions by modmuss50

TechnicalDimensions. Its a mod designed around technical travel between dimensions.

Tax Addition User by Taknax

Additional content for Codex

ForgedPerms by kremi151

Linking the Forge permission API to the one of SpongeForge

koutaMODplas by user, MCreator

Enter short description here

Snow Accumulation by Crazy Crafter

Makes snowfall accumulate

Aerial Affinity by Tfarcemin

A mod that adds an enchantment that removes the mining speed penalty while flying.

7 days fix by Craftix

Fixes bandits attacking each other

Thaumic Terminal by FTB_lag

Сombining AE and ThaumCraft

Pulver by oitsjustjose

A dynamic dust-adding mod

Gothic by Jake, MCreator

Ender Crystals by TopHatter

A small mod that adds a new ore in to the end dimension with new tools and armor (more coming soon!)

Eternal Ice by Zeshii

Adds color-able ice that never melts!

MekanismOpenPeripheral by Mikeemoo, cybcaoyibo, SinZ, theoriginalbit, Foone

Converts many blocks into ComputerCraft peripherals!

LuckyLand by Tongyao

A minecraft mod~

LubeCraft by Nick, MCreator

Entity Render Extender by TCLProject

Gives a config option to extend from how far away entities render and from how far they are tracked (note: does NOT affect despawn distance).

Resource Mod Loader by Hileb

a modloader which load mods from resource packs.(in mods/)

KyPrak by Yario

Mute Pigs by Rick South

A drag-and-drop mod to mute/silence all pigs in the world.

Zoids Minecraft Mod by Tyrannos23, Ashten_Pyrono

Extremely Early Version of the Mod, Still a Work In Progress.


it Ads blood to the game

Advanced GUI by Haubna

Handy GUI for PvP

FNaF 1 Mod by winne, MCreator