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Quit Confirm by Nixuge

A forge that adds a confirmation before leaving a server/quitting the game


Ranged weaponry, as thought up by Steve.

QuiverBow: Restrung by Daomephsta

Ranged weaponry in a more vanilla style. Unofficial port of QuiverBow, made in accordance with the GPL v3 license applied to the source. Domochevsky is not affiliated with this project, any issues should be reported to this project's author using the linked issue tracker.


Mobs with Ranged Weaponry


Le mod quenti coins

QwerTech by Qwertygiy

An addon to GregTech 6, featuring achievements, tools, and more

Qxzos HUD by Qxzos

Qxzos HUD

QzUI Mod by insrt

Team monitoring and general stats UI.

qCraft by Daniel Ratcliffe, TeacherGaming LLC

Quantum Mechanics meets Minecraft!



Minecraft Rocks. Quantum Rules.

qaz mod by bas, MCreator

power by bas

qcm by zheny, MCreator

Created MarMeLad

qcm+ by zheny, MCreator

qcmarmory by zheny, MCreator

qiang3d by 26622, MCreator