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XaliumModArmure by Theshioga, MCreator


Mod avventurosa

XanderLib by isXander

A mod which contains all useful classes to reduce the overall size of Xander's mods.


This is an example mod

Xaviers Music Disc Madness by Hamax 2468 (the music man / retro gaming 1234 / Retro_Gaming_and_Moding)

welcome to xavers music disc madness, a completely ordinary music disc pack with nothing below thesurace, yep nowing i tell ya, absolutley zip ( ;) ).


delicious flesh zombies.

XenCraft by LatvianModder

XenLib by MCE626

Team Xendric's Library we use for our mods

Xenaria Mod by xDoz_CRIMO

Mod crée pour le serveur Xenaria


This is an example mod

Xenoclus One by Mr. Cubist

Discover new and distant worlds never seen before!

Xenocraft Chronicles by Laikar Eradicum

Its a mod about Xenoblade Chronicles

Xenorite by GCM aka UsernameZero

More Ores, Items And Much More To Come!


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Xeocore by Xeocas

Xeocore mod by Xeocas.

Xerca Mod by xerca

Special mod with lots of stuff.