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More Nether Ores by GoodMiner

This mod adds new ores and block in the Nether with more tools and materials.

worldgen tools survival

Nether Ores by PowerCrystals, TehKrush, AtomicStryker, skyboy026

Introduces mineable yet dangerous ores to the Nether


Ruins Spawning System by AtomicStryker, d00dv4d3r, kolt666, 4HeadTiger, Blue001

Allows highly customizable Structure Templates to randomly generate in your Worlds

worldgen dungeons

The Twilight Forest by Benimatic (Ben Mazur)

An enchanted forest dimension.

worldgen dimensions

WorldAndGenerationTweaks by Thebombzen

WorldAndGenerationTweaks provides various assorted tweaks to terrain generation.

worldgen tweak