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Fast Log Block by LionZXY

Mod for logging block place and break

Fast Start by makamys

A collection of simple tweaks attempting to speed up load times.

Fast-ing by Seraphaestus

Removes low-hunger slowness

FastBridge Mod by Evgesha728

Example placeholder mod.

FastBridgeMod by MCmodding4K

FastBridgeMod. Part of the SkillClient.

FastBuild by kapiteon

FastBuild + FallProtect

FastBuild2 by robo

Faster building blocks.

FastCMD by DiFort

Tired of entering commands? Yeah, I know, it's pretty long. With this mod, you can type the most necessary and useful commands with a single click. Isn't that why you're here? How to use: To open FastCMD menu press key C (you can change it in the controls settings) or type command /c. You can open this menu ONLY if you have enabled cheats!

FastFlyBlockBreaking by Barteks2x

Allows to break blocks with normal speed when flying is enabled in survival mode.

FastFood++ by MattyPlays270

FastFoodForFarmers by L-games DE

FastFoodMod by Calopteryx

A continuation from the Subway Mod

FastFurnace by Shadows_of_Fire

2 fast boi

FastLadder! by gottsch


leaves decay faster.