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Facepixel by codename_B

Friends in common on the Hypixel network.

Facilities Pack Expansion by leonneary1990, MCreator

Walls and Floor Pack

FactInventory Mod by LeBossMax2

A mod made during the modjam 2018.1.

Factimod by ZbeuBiflore, MCreator


Faction Utilities by ExYZed, 3vil-Script

Improves the Faction Experience


FactionUtils - Maccros

Factoria by Raven

Le mod de Factoria développer par Raven

Factorization by neptunepink

Auto-crafting, ore processing, barrels, and other tools


Factory Automation by boblovespi, ShtFish, King of Creepers, Gaborboy95

A tech mod that does stuff.

Factory Tech by ProfessorLucario

A tech mod for people who love automation. Instead of powering your machines from a big nuclear reactor or a jet engine, set up complex assembly lines to keep them stocked with fresh parts!

Factory0 - Resources by V0idWa1k3r

Adding resources to the deep core of the world extractable with special machinery starting... now!

FactoryAutomation by FoodDog

Adds Extractors To Duplicate Items And Some Useful Multiblocks

FactoryCraft by matty, MCreator


This is an example mod

Factoryex by ExampleDude
