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FinalFrontier Space Mod

FinaliumMC by Endergamer20011

Mod officiel du serveur FinaliumMC

Find The Mobs by Ktos94852

Find entities easily with a radar!

Find Your Way by Yavin7

FindIt! by Zeitheron

Search inventory for an item easily!

FindMe by Buuz135

Searching nearby inventories for you!

Finder Compass

Make the vanilla Compass point on new and exciting Things! Diamonds! Strongholds! Any Block!

Finder Mod

Finds stuff.

Fine Stuff by Alexiy

Adds useful blocks, items, enchantments

Fine Technology by Alexiy

Some useful blocks and items

FingerInTheWind by Konlii

Fingy's First Aid by fingerguns83

Adds basic, straightforward medicine functionality to the game.

Finndus Fillies by Myrathi

Provides horsemeat, cleverly disguised as beef. Also, glue (slime balls).

Fira Client by cout970

Fira Client, provides several utilities and hacks, intended for 2B2T (and only 2B2T as the only server that allows hacks)

Fire Fighting by Aardvark

Protect your base from the insatiable threat of fire