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Hatchling Snacks by DMBuce

A simple food mod

Hats by iChun

Adds a bunch of hats, as wells as the ability to add more, into Minecraft

Hats Mod

Put any block on your head with the press of a button! (H)

HauntingMod by Tim Maughan

Custom costume mod built for Project HAUNTING

Haven by enc0d3r

WIP Haven

HavenCore Customforms Mod by DarkHavenz, Crow_Ghost | Lord Haven#7473, Crow_Ghost#4435)

Example placeholder mod.


Mod de HavenRP

Havook by Crimz8n

HavvaCraft II ModPack by AksanSai

Provides the bigger and badder experience

Haxicklesticks Mod by calebplaysgames, MCreator


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