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HighScore by mwadd, MCreator


Artik elmasları bulmak icin o kadar derinlige inmeniz gerekmeyecek.

Highlands by sdj64

Highlands is a mod that adds more biomes to Minecraft. Over 40 new biomes, new trees, mountains, and biome-specific ore gen.

Highlands Integrator by Thor12022

Allows registration of common and arbitrary biomes with Highlands

Highlight Mod by Madakai

Highway Bot by Riga

A bot that digs a 3x4 tunnel and places obsidian in the floor.

HighwayMod by rin



It'll add some items such as Hihiirokane

Hiraeth Spirits by Raphael Goldstein

A recreation of the Woodland Spirits mod.

Hiraishin no Jutsu by WederGoned

A mod that adds the powerest jutsu from Naruto, Enjoy it :)

Hirakana by Axer

Japanese input.


Weapons from every age!

Historicized Medicine by Seraphaestus

Medical items and effects from history