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Healing Altar

Mod is made to cover the gap for early game healing in hardcore worlds.

Healing Altar

Mod is made to cover the gap for early game healing in hardcore worlds.

Healing Axe by NineTwoFiveDev

Adds a healing axe, and a surprise!

Healing Soup by Rick South

In honour of mcpvp, mushroom soup/stew heals 4 hearts and is instantly consumed.


Generates HealingFountains

Health Bar by maxpowa, connection_lost

Code From TUKMC,

Health Display by Mengpo

Example placeholder mod.

Health Display Mod by Techcraft7

Automatically adds a health scoreboard objective when there is not one

Health From Armor by pilotofsomething

Changes how armor works. Instead of reducing damage taken by 4% per point, armor now increases max health.

Health Indicator by Jaredlll08

When you are low on health, a sound is played.

Health Monitor by ProZed

Monitors your health, commands are : /healthmonitor

Health Scoring by PK_Anti

Mantle heart renderer for the tab display.

Health Warner by IWant2TryHard

Health Warner by IWant2TryHard

Health and Hunger Tweaks by CerulanLumina, 66GearHead66

Modifies the way Minecraft manages food and the corresponding health regeneration

HealthHud by netease

set health hud.