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King Hogarth's Armor Mod by NB_urton

The First of King Hogarth's mods. This adds some new ores and tiered Tools, Weapons, and Armor.

King Mammoth Cut Scenes by PulseBeat_02

A mod which adds cutscenes between singleplayer world generation.


This is a Currency mod made by me for fans of my Mods

KingCraft by Kingpvz, MCreator

KingCraft - Everything you can imagine.

KingCubic's Crumbs by KingCubic

These crumbs work whether the TNT is rendered or not, and at a larger range than most crumbs. If your crumbs aren't working, ensure you have block volume turned up at least to 1%. /crumbs for all the commands.

KingDoms Rivality Mod 1 by OSCAR, MCreator

KingLand Roleplay by DIEGO, MCreator


This is an example mod

KingShroomerBoss by Jake, MCreator

Kingdom Hearts Re:Crafted by TheTrueRoxa1/TheTrueRoxas/sorasheartless

A KH mod.

Kingdom keys by Wehavecookies56

Adds keyblades from the game series Kingdom Hearts with 3D models

KingdomConqueror paint by Caccamo, MCreator

Kingdoms of the Overworld Mod

Structures, bosses, and just general coolness.

KingdomsCraftMod by basti, MCreator


Enter short description here


This is a mod that adds a bunch of Potion Varieties and new Plants

KinyoshiMods by Kinyoshi

Adds new ores, tools, food, and more