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Barriers by Stepan1404

Barrier mod.

Barriers Renderer by nur

Render nearby barriers

BartWorks by bartimaeusnek

A Gregtech Addon.

Basalt and Marble by bestestdude

Adds back basalt and marble blocks from the good ol' mod of RedPower 2.


Add More Blocks Redpower 2

BasaltWalker by Hashtag233, Tapio

Make exploration in the nether much easier.


Add basalt for rp2

Base Defense

Provides a lot of weird stuff for wannabe world dominators.

Base Defense 2 by Akkarin

Protect, attack ... Wait what is ...? *BOOOM*

Base Effects by satur, MCreator

Base Gems by cyb3rkat

Base Gems Addon

Base Metal Golems by sky01

Adds Extra Golems made from Base Metals materials

Base Metals by Cyanobacterium (aka DrCyano), JRIwanek

This mod adds historically common metals to Minecraft

Base Minerals by cyb3rkat

Base Minerals Addon

BaseIO by FlatronEZ, deregges, J4kee


BashFireMakeRock by LotuxPunk

The world is litteraly on fire.