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BRM by osqpl, MCreator

Blue Rubin mod

BSA Mod by Gaarnik, Asceliopos

The official BSA Mod from BSA serie


The Blue Screen Mod

BTC Mod by BlueyTheCircley, MCreator

This mod adds various blue things like Mobs, items, etc. It includes some other colors of things. Incorporates Mcreator 2019.5

BTCore by AndyBTTF

Core mod for many mods by AndyBTTF.

BTE Helper Mod by curryp0mmes

Build The Earth requires tedious repettive tasks, this mod helps.

BTE KML Importer by CodingPupper3033

Imports KML and KMZ files into the Build the Earth server. KML & KMZ are standard ways to export points and lines on a map.

BTE KML Importer by CodingPupper3033

Imports KML and KMZ files into the Build the Earth server. KML & KMZ are standard ways to export points and lines on a map.

BTE Location by Joshua Miller

Teleports you to your IRL Location

BTE-Utilities by noahhusby

A set of tools and improvements for the BuildTheEarth modpack.

BTESatelliteMapper by m4ndeokyi

Generates satellite imagery data into Terra++ World.

BTETerraRenderer by tf2_mandeokyi

Renders various external maps for BuildTheEarth project.

BTETerraRenderer by tf2_mandeokyi

Renders various external maps for BuildTheEarth project.


Some usefull tools and UI addictions that improve the performance of BTE builders.

BTFU by capitalthree

Server backup done right

BTFixes by ACGaming

Minimally invasive fixes for Battle Towers