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BetterStorage by copygirl

Adds more storage related blocks and items to the game.


BetterStrokesMod by ExampleDude

A Better alternate of Keystrokes Mod

BetterSwim by Avery Standley, MCreator

BetterSwiming by bagu_chan

this mod is make swiming better(like 1.13)!

BetterTabOverlayMod by Yario

A mod for funcraft with a better tab overlay with ratio kills deaths and ping.

BetterTabs by Fonnymunkey

Mod addon to add Tabs/Tooltips to the mods BetterQuesting, LevelUpReloaded, LevelUpLegacy, LycanitesMobs, and ClassyHats

BetterThanBunnies by iChun

Better Than Bunnies! #BlameQuetzi #BlameRaj

BetterThanLlamas by iChun

Better Than Llamas! #BlameWyld

BetterTitle by Cyl18



Adds Super Sword, Axe, Pickaxe, Hoe, Shovel and armor

BetterToolsAndArmorMod by rexonit

A mod with better tools and armor.

BetterToolsMod by AlexanderL123, TheZylop

Better and Stronger Tools!