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Block Monitor

A plugin that monitors what players do ingame and logs it!

Block Motor Company Pack

pack for IV featuring BMC Vehicles

Block O' Heaven by Diavolo, WoH69, H_WoU

A parody mod of Avaritia with some JoJo References

Block O' Water by jsorrell

Infinite water in a block.

Block Placer by MudRaker

A utility mod allowing blocks to placed be on ANY side of an existing block. Just activate BlockPlacer to get a wireframe showing the destination and move it to your desired location.

Block Properties by FatherToast

Allows advanced customization options for blocks. Based on Mob Properties.

Block Properties Tweaker by TheLordofMelons

A small mod for adjusting various properties of blocks such as drops, harvest level, and explosion resistance.

Block Protector by Zeitheron

This is a simple mod that allows basic region creation and management.

Block Quarry by CallMeFoxie

The least laggy quarry you can get!

Block Reinforcings Mod

Adds a variety of Stone, Iron and Obsidian reinforced blocks

Block Sniffer by Himmelt, MickKay

Block Sniffer Mod , Copyright (c) 2017 Himmelt

Block Swap by Adubbz

Introducing Block Swap: For all your block-phobia removal needs!