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Bonfires by Wehavecookies56

Bonfires from Dark Souls.

Bonin's Electric Machines and More by bonin888, MCreator

BEM! The techno mod that adds magical and techy items to your game.

Bonsai Trees by Arcadiax

Crop-like trees for easier wood farming!

Bonsai Trees by Davenonymous

Tiny trees

Bony's Desertcraft

Survive in deserts! Yahoo!

Book Burning by BobChao87

Allows books to be used as fuel!

Book Display by Astavie

Displays books while you're playing!

Book Dupe by BastonBolado

Mod feito para dupar com livros em servidores vulneraveis :D

Book and Sign Saver Mod by Walking_Library (Caleb)

Allows the player to saves signs and books to a json file

Book of Sword by TS

Do you want to be a sword maker


Este mod esta escho con muchisimo cariсo y amor a todos los que disfrutan de Minecraft! Grande Minecraft.. Grande :D

BookMenus by jakearoo

Usable book menus for minecraft

BookOTD by windy

Simple plugin for displaying a "message of the day" to players as a book.