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Battle Royal Mod by MrCrayfish

Adds in features that are similar to Fortnite

BattleAxesOldmaster by ksenh, MCreator



BattleCorrection by Roinflam

A better fit for RPG!

BattleItems by CleMinecraft666, MCreator

Add some useful items.


CombatLog port to Sponge.

BattleMusik by 43660, MCreator

BattleTower by Lypaka

Forge port of Battle Tower

Battleaxe Mod by Xnet/Dentsor, RUBIDDXX, Popill, Oxey/Mineaworld, mira03, mr_burn

Flann Gaming's Battleaxe Mod.

Battlefields Discord RP by JacksonPlayz, Mastef_Chief

Discord Rich Presence for Battlefields.

Batty's Coordinates PLUS Mod for Forge by BatHeart

Incorporates Batty's Coordinates, Stopwatch Timer and Info display.