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BiomeTweaker by superckl

Used to tweak various characteristics of biomes.

Biomes And Builds by deningtongaming, MCreator

New Content Available: The Big Update is now here!

Biomes O' Plenty by Forstride, Adubbz, Amnet, ted80

Adds 87 new, unique biomes!

opensource worldgen cosmetic

Biomes O' Plenty Additions by LizNet, LiskoSlayer63, VestianVon

Adds various additions for Biomes O' Plenty such as armor and tools.

Biomes O` Plenty Tools & Armor by StuffTheChicken

Adds The Tools & Armor Back Into Biomes O' Plenty.

Biomes Tweaker by Zehir

Example placeholder mod.

Biomes o Plenty Tools Mod by undertrox

Adds Tools and Armor for the Biomes o plenty Gems

Biomes++ by Spamversender

Diese Mod fügt viele neue Biome ins Spiel ein.


A fun mod with lots of new things!



Biomial by Trainer Vitro

Flowers and Cacti and Weepers? OH MY!

Biomics Mod by supercat765

9 Dimensions Based on Biomes


Better Bioms!