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Crundee Mod by Wartrash1111

A quick mod in prep for Sky Factory 2.0


This is the testing version #1


Official Crusades Mod!

CryNet by uCryptic

Adds various new items and blocks to the Minecraft world!

Crybaby by SnakeFang12

Go ahead, cry your eyes out. Maybe you can boil the tears into salt if you live long enough.

Crying Ghasts by Rick South

Ghasts drop their tears periodically when a player is close, giving the ability to farm them sustainably.

Crying Obsidian by ErrorCraftLP

Crying Obsidian was intended to be a block that can change your spawn point, but it was never added to the game. This mod implements this block and adds an item version of it.

CryoAddons by Cobble8

An amazing mod that adds in a new type of item to the game! Cryosteel!

Cryogenic Library by NovaViper

API for mods, meant to ease registering new things

Crypto by ExampleDude

Adds miner blocks which generate crypto coins. This coins can be used to buy Items from the crypto market.

CryptoCoins by Regele, MCreator


This mod adds cryptids into Minecraft.

Crystal Blocks by 19Spleen

Crystal Caves by Steelfeathers

Thrive in the infernal realm