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ChastMob by Schr0

Chast is kawaii

Chat Bomb by EliteMasterEric

Adds a variant of TNT activated by saying key phrases in chat.

Chat Bot Mod by Me, MySelf

Example placeholder for Chat Bot mod.

Chat Box by JoseluGames

A simple redstone block that talks!

Chat Bubbles

This mod displays what people say above their head. Useful for crowded servers where the chat lines fly by.

Chat Channel Display Mod by P0ke

Displays what Hypixel chat channel you are currently in

Chat Control Mod by iCheppy

Useful chat utility mod for Hypixel SkyBlock.

Chat Copier by RaycusMX

Enables users to copy ingame chat messages.

Chat Copy by NamelessJu (JuCraft)

Adds a clickable symbol to each chat message that puts the message's content into your chat input box

Chat Dump by SHsuperCM

Dumps debug info from chat so you can extract chat links or json info, type in chat `chatdump` to dump the current chat cache.

Chat Group Info by Gjum

Show current chat group (NameLayer plugin) when chat input field is empty

Chat Notifier by XeliteXirish

Simple notifier to notify you when someone says your name

Chat Overhaul by Zeitheron

General improvements for vanilla chat like file/image sharing and voice messages.

Chat Saver by Reflxction

A mod which saves chat when switching worlds.

Chat Shortcuts by P0ke

A simple chat shortcuts mod.

Chat Torture! by Tyler Rister, Levi Boulis

YOU MUST HAVE CHEATS ENABLED FOR THIS MOD/EXTENSION TO WORK!!!! This mod is required for the twitch extension "Chat Torture!". This mod will allow twitch viewers to interact with the streamers Minecraft game! This mod works for 1.12 - 1.12.2