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O Mod Do TazerCraft

Chunk Analyzer Mod by otter-in-a-suit

A mod to analyze your chunks for couple of ressources.

Chunk Animator by lumien

A small client side mod that animates the appeareance of chunks so that they don't just instantly appear

Chunk Claim by Lime

Allows you to claim chunks

Chunk Edge Indicator

Shows the chunk boundaries as per Chickenbones' NEI feature.

Chunk Fix by Rivvest

Fixes chunk loading that causes world holes

Chunk Generation Limiter by Barteks2x

Limits chunk generation speed to reduce lag

Chunk Loaders by SuperMartijn642

Chunk Loaders allows you to keep chunks loaded with different tiers of chunk loaders!

Chunk Survival by jglrxavpok

Chunk Visualizer

Enable to see chunks.

ChunkAPI by FalsePattern

Chunk data, simplified.