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CraftTweaker Editor by Tiffit

In-Game CraftTweaker Script Editor

CraftTweaker Integration by TCreopargh

A CraftTweaker addon mod

CraftUa Mod by IceCream

For CraftUa server


This mod allows to change the main menu easily.


Adds a new Dimension where you survive a Zombie Horde


Can't find any villages? Need carrots? Simply use this mod! You can modify and craft a carrot in this mod

Craftable by Meredith, MCreator

Craftable Animals

This mod adds a variety of new features concerning animals and mobs. Features include: crafting + placing animals, transporting animals, creating + modifying spawners, applying armor to animals and many more.

Craftable Bedrock by WildWingX

A simple mod that allows you to craft bedrock.

Craftable Bedrock & Obsidian Tools by Neo Anderson, MCreator

Craftable Bedrock & Obsidian Tools

Craftable Bedrock v2.1 by WildWingX

A simple mod that allows you to craft bedrock.

Craftable Bedrock v3.1 by WildWingX

A simple mod that allows you to craft bedrock

Craftable Blaze Spawn Egg by dylan, MCreator