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Composer by windy, sarhatabaot

Note block music importer and player.

Composite Gear Addon by ZCaliptium

Addon for IC2 Experimental

Composite Obsidian Mod

Armor and tools from composite obsidian

Composite Redstone by skyshayde, yrsegal

Composite redstone dusts with various effects

Composter by Stormwind99

Compost stuff! Turn excess organic material and rotted food into nutrients for plants.

Compound Ores

Randomly generated ores with the resources of two single ores inside.


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Compress Everything by LeuDevs

A simple Item that let you craft 8 items into one, recursively.

Compress_coals by suslik, MCreator

Compressables by Assassin00

Adds ways to compress certain items/blocks.

Compressed by voleN

Compresses common blocks into more manageable sizes.

Compressed by amata, MCreator

Compressed Base by MiningMark48

It's a compressed base!

Compressed Blocks Mod by Savage_Killer13

A mod for turning normal blocks and items into a compressed form.

Compressed Blocks by Kreezxil by Kreezxil

Fighting the block invasion and winning!