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Command Keybindings by The_Fireplace

Allows you to bind commands to keys

Command Keybindings by The_Fireplace

Allows you to bind two commands to keys

Command Keybindings Version Checker by The_Fireplace

The version checker for Command Keybindings

Command Logs by Nucha

Displays commands what you typed

Command Map by SirJosh3917

Allows you, the user, to create and map your own custom commands to (mutliple) other commands.

Command Patcher by Sk1erLLC

Fixes a Forge bug in which commands weren't handled properly

Command Runner Mod 1.1 by Caleb and Grampy

Runs the command runner ExecuteFile for 1.9 to 1.10

Command Syntax Highlighter by CrushedPixel

Highlights syntax in chat commands. Round, square and curly brackets are colored, number casts are tinted red when incorrect. Enables Tab Autocompletion in Command Blocks.

Command-O-Matic by vova7865

Overrides vanilla commands, so they can work without limits!

CommandAPI by thislooksfun

An API for adding commands to the game

CommandBlockingManager by ustc_zzzz

A sponge and bungeecord plugin for blocking commands sent by players

CommandFix by Selrahc13

Expands @d/@dp to playername in passed commands

CommandItems by Eufranio

Item based commands, permissions, cooldowns and more!

CommandKey by Maximilian Schelbach

Press one key to execute a long command


New Command


This plugin enables server admins to create portals that execute specific commands.