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Custom UUM Values by mak326428

Adds config for every single IC2 UUM recipe.

Custom Weapons Kedition by Keletu66666

My first commission

Custom XP by SuperJedi224

Allows configuration of mob XP values.

CustomAura by MShao588, 作者:MShao588, 如果你也想使用此mod请联系qq:783409442

This is DBCaura

CustomAura by SakuraYuyuko3558168775

Custom DragonblockC Aura

CustomBGM by FirEmerald

Framework for mods to add in sounds with custom loop points

CustomBaubles by Himmelt

CustomBaubles Mod , Copyright (c) 2018 Himmelt.


Adds user-configurable commands for different chat formats.

CustomClient 2 by ExampleDude
