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ClayHeads by prodzpod

Adds Vanilla-esque Head crafting and naming to enable builds with Custom Heads.

ClaySoil by Fearitude

This mod adds a random clay drop to Dirt, Grass and Mycelium blocks.

ClayWorld by MrAmericanMike

Clay World Mod.

Clayium by deb_rk

Clay Industry, for CpS (Clay blocks per Seconds) Challengers

Clean Chat by Entimer

You can clean your messy chat to just press a key.

Clean Snow Golems

Removes the pumpkin from the snow golem.

Cleaning Mod by SirDizarm

Tired of seeing trash? Brush it under a carpet!

Clear Armor Mod by rin


Clear Despawn by C4

Makes dropped items flash when they're about to despawn.

Clear Entitys by uno

Auto clear entitys Tools (SSP/SMP)

Clear Glass Mod by canelex

Allows you to easily toggle glass visibility.

Clear Jukebox by gudenau

Adds a clear Jukebox. Purely aesthetic

Clear Lag by Atlas

Modded Clear Lag System

Clear Water by ExpensiveKoala

See clearly under water!