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Uplink by DotDash

Adds Discord Rich Presence to Minecraft!

Uplytra by GiantNuker

Press Jump and Sneak to go faser and slower with your elytra!

Upright_Piano_Models by 29493, MCreator

Upside Down by UpcraftLP

Upside Down Custom Client

UpsideDownBlocks by GoldenTreesMC, MCreator

UpsideDownDimensionMod by franciscofunari, MCreator

Uramium`s Mod 1 by Dante, MCreator


Des minerais

Uranion by raphlou5

UraniuCraft'm by TheeAnonymousOne

You can craft a bunch of stuff with uranium. This mod is in beta release so just expect a few bugs.

Uranium by carl4020, MCreator


Uranium Big Reactor by joserobjr

Adds IC2 support to Extreme Reactors.

Uranium Mod by JMBatman

Adds in various uranium items, armoor and tools!

Uranium Reenriched mod by CsokiCraft

Continuation of the old Uranium mod

UraniumLOTRFix by Epic_Nose

Make UraniumServer compatible with LOTR MOD.



UrbiumLife Utility Pack by Just_Yenzo
