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opensource HUD

ArmorStatusHUD by bspkrs

ArmorStatusHUD is a client mod that shows your armor and held item stats on the HUD.

clientside HUD armor pvp opensource

Briman's Item Search by briman0094

util HUD opensource

Damage Indicators by rich1051414

Displays the damage you inflict on creatures, as well as current health, name and potion effects.


DirectionHUD by bspkrs

DirectionHUD is a client mod that shows a magnetic compass heading at the top of the screen.

clientside HUD opensource

InGame Info XML by Lunatrius

Display extra information on top of your ingame screen.

opensource clientside HUD

IngameInfo by bspkrs

Want to know how much score you have without having to die? In need of real time information like weather, light level or your world size as you explore? Then this mod is for you!

clientside HUD opensource

StatusEffectHUD by bspkrs

StatusEffectHUD is a client mod that shows the player's active potion/buff effects on the HUD.

clientside HUD pvp potion opensource