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Repair by Hileb
修复由 引起的显示错误

6Dbrown55<--r Utility Mod by Dbrown55
Utility mod (to hold various classes/stuff)

by one big bad boy
Bad boys Whatcha want, watcha want Whatcha gonna do When sheriff John Brown come for you Tell me Whatcha wanna do, whatcha gonna dooo Yeaheah Bad boys, bad boys Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do When they come for you Bad boys, bad boys Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do When they come for you When you were eight And you had bad traits You go to school And learn the golden rule So why are you Acting like a bloody fool If you get hot You must get cool Bad boys, bad boys Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do When they come for you You chuck it on that one You chuck it on this one You chuck it on your mother and You chuck it on your father You chuck it on your brother and You chuck it on your sister You chuck it on that one and You chuck it on me Bad boys, bad boys Whatcha…

Advanced Food by Lord_MFN

Fine Wine Mod by Bowin777, MCreator
Find grapes to make the Finest Wine.

Russkiy Gorod by ���, MCreator

The Future Mod! by SpiN DasH, MCreator
This Mod Adds Lot of Nice Stuff!

The Kicraft Mod by the_Nulosse
Salut tout le monde !!

Variety Mod by Pollo, MCreator

Xadrix's Chips Mod by XADRIX, MCreator
this is mod that adds in a new food to minecraft, Chips.

! by asiekierka
Drama Generator in Minecraft. Joke module.

!u by �u, MCreator
Enter short description here

"Time Pays" Mod by FEX___96
A Mod Tracking Player Online times and giving rewards.

# by asiekierka
Things useful for storage (Backpacks, Locks, etc.)

#XtraCraze by AdventureMase
Adds some #XtraCraze to your game! You're likely not to get bored with this mod in your survival world!

'Capes for TFH' Wrapper by TheFreeHigh
A Wrapper for TFHCapes. Acts as a Standalone Mod

* by asiekierka
Gameplay/aesthetic tweaks to vanilla

+ by asiekierka
Redstone cabling with analog support

...(aka Ellipsis) by Leviathan143
Adds several different types of sound muffling blocks and items

/ by asiekierka
A wrench which happens to rotate multiparts.

/GM Mod by mrfunn1, MCreator
A mod that adds four commands that alow you to swich your gamemode easier

/dank/null by TheRealp455w0rd
Adds the /dank/null items from p455w0rd's Things 1.10.2 mod

00's Flowers & Foods Mod by 00GAM3R00, MCreator
More flowers and foods, because why not?

06dWare by 06d
Very Epic

1.12 Concrete by Dbrown55
17w06a's concrete backported to 1.10.2

1.12 Conduit Mod by SuperJedi224
Conduits for Minecraft 1.12

1.12.2 / 1.14.4 Fast Gamemode Switch by User, MCreator

1.13 Water Mechanics Backport by xFra
Simple port for some features introduced in 1.13.

1.7 Hits by Cannoner, Crystal Development
Removes the swing cooldown added between 1.7.10 and 1.8.

1.7.10 Mod Fixer by Lenni0451, RK_01, ExampleDude
Fix some 1.7.10 Mods.

1.8.9 Dupe Mod by
Run /dupe in game

100 Dayz Tweaks by ExampleDude
Tweaks for the 100 Dayz modpack.

100DaysHUD by williamist
An on-screen day counter, meant for 100 days videos but can really be used for everything.

101 Dimensions by supermj767
A mod that adds lots of dimensions and biomes to minecraft .

101 Dimensions (1.12.2) by supermj767, MCreator
A Mod That Adds TONS of Dimensions And Biomes And Some Other Helpfull Things!

101 New Things by MorelPlay
Minecraft New Things

123twixmath by TwIxToR TiTaN
A Mod that does math!

1pop (crack) by Hero, 0s, cherosin, Coffe, Rina
huge pastebin security didnt even remove fml cache annotation

20 20 20 by Sk1er LLC
Reminds the user to take short breaks to help elevate eye strain

24-Hour Time Format by WHR <msl0000023508@gmail.com>
Aggressively modify JRE to display 24-hour time on Minecraft UI

256chat by Kalman98
Extends maximum chat message length to 256 while connected to the Hypixel network.

2b2t Queue Display by SamHDev
A ingame queue display for 2b2t

2b2tclantags by Tigermouthbear
A forgemod used to identify clans on 2b2t

2dmc by Digitigrade
made by lettuce for hoomans

2kai2kai2's Anti-Gravity Mod by 2kai2kai2
Creates Anti-Gravity equipment.

2x2 Survival by Jackiechun117, MCreator
2x2 Survival Recipes

33kingkiller's Mod Core by 33kingkiller
33kingkiller's Mod Core. Most of my mods will now require this to run.

3D Blocks by supermj767, MCreator
A mod that adds decoration blocks to minecraft!

3D Blocks Mod
Changes 2D blocks into 3DDDDDish!!!!

3D Graphing Calculator by SerpentDagger
This mod provides numerous blocks which allow for the graphing of 3D functions. The graphs are highly customizable by the player, and with the correct settings can look very fine indeed. Graphs can be saved in-game for later viewing through the use of Graphing Calculator Memory Card items. Graphs can be scaled, translated, rotated, colored, and textured. You can alter their domain, range, resolution, discontinuity threshold, and texture size, among other things. Information about everything can be found within the calculator GUI, by hovering your mouse over the far right of a text field. Functions are inputted via an easy-to-use set of GUI blocks, as shown in the images tab (As of the first release version). Here is a list of all the coordinate systems currently supported. With each of them, save for Cartesian*, you can view any variable as a function of the other two. *Spoiler, it looks the same. - Cartesian - Spherical - Cylindrical - Conical - Toroidal - Bipolar Cylindrical - Parabolic Cylindrical - Parabolic - 6-Sphere - Oblate Spheroidal - Prolate Spheroidal - Elliptic Cylindrical

3D Maneuver Gear by InfinityRaider
3D Maneuver Gear in Minecraft

3dSkinLayers by tr7zw
Renders the player skin layer in 3d

3d_summer by USER, MCreator

3dmodel by USER, MCreator

4 elemtos mod by elmichilopez, MCreator

T48 Mod Changelog: added Laciris Ore and Lacriris Lang support and craft Recipes change. pickaxe is now stable.Added CombinerMachine!

59' Ford Thunderbird
This MTS/IV pack is most notable for lacking any description at all

7 days fix by Craftix
Fixes bandits attacking each other

8043Blade by sherryxxx
To commemorate the warriors who landed in 8043.

87in3 Mod by 007checker, MCreator
Just an Insider Mod
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