Aether II
The mod includes amazing features such as our advanced party system, our vastly redesigned dungeons, and much, much more.
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Alternate Terrain Generation by TTFTCUTS
ATG provides an alternative to vanilla terrain generation.

Arcane Ascension 2 by calebmanley
This is an official update to the Arcane Ascension mod, originally by:Murayama (MTG artist Dan Scott)AreusPheenixm and dgary. The main feature of the mod is the mystical floating islands.
worldgen survival tools

Ars Magica 2 by Mithion
A look into what Minecraft could become if you add a splash of magic... Ars Magica is a trademark of Atlas Games, used with permission.
magic worldgen dimensions

Biomes O' Plenty by Forstride, Adubbz, Amnet, ted80
Adds 87 new, unique biomes!
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Bloody Dimensions by tankerkiller125, Tankkiller2025
Add new Blocks,Dimensions,Items based around mod bloods
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BuildCraft by SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team
Extending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more!
tech worldgen

ChemLab by Itaros
This mod adds the ability to play with items at molecular level. Hardcore automation experience awaits you!
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DivineRPG adds a great deal of content and challenge. If you're looking for Minecraft on steroids, you've come to the right place!
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Doomlike Dungeons
Doomlike Dungeons adds dungeons for those who want adventure, danger, and, uh, violence. This was inspired by Oblige, the level generator for Doom and similar games
survival dungeons worldgen

Emasher Resource by Emasher
opensource library worldgen

ExtrabiomesXL by MisterFiber, ScottKillen, JLBShecky, bspkrs, allaryin, ExterminatorJeff, TDWP_FTW
ExtrabiomesXL adds new aesthetic content that greatly enhances Minecraft's landscapes and exploration.

FloatingRuins by DaftPVF, bspkrs
Floating islands taken from the ground with ruins on top.
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GraveStone by NightKosh
This mod adds a gravestone to the game, which 'spawns' at player/villager/dog/cat death.
opensource worldgen dungeons

Hardcore Ender Expansion by chylex
Hardcore Ender Expansion offers unique, new content across the End. The dragon became a truly challenging boss with a great reward, but the adventure doesn't end there. The End is no longer just an island. Go investigate unique ores, battle new mobs, travel to new biomes, the death awaits you!
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IndustrialCraft 2 by Alblaka, Player, RichardG, Thunderdark, GregoriusT, alexthesax, Drashian, Elementalist, Feanturi, Lurch1985, SirusKing, tahu44
Industrial age themed expansion for Minecraft.
tech worldgen