Aliens vs Predator mod (for 1.7.2) by Ri5ux
This mod adds in the three main species involved in the movies as mobs, aliens, predators, and of course a few human variants. And of course you will need something to kill those enemies with, so we added a bunch of new weapons yo obliterate them with!
mobs survival tools

DivineRPG adds a great deal of content and challenge. If you're looking for Minecraft on steroids, you've come to the right place!
worldgen mobs survival dimensions dungeons

Dungeon Mobs
Dungeon Mobs is intended to be a more dangerous analogue to Mo' Creatures.
dungeons mobs

Hamster Mod by RazzleberryFox
This mod adds in Hamsters to minecraft! Cute, fluffy, cheeks full of seeds… you know hamsters!

JuiceWares by JuiceGrape
A random collection of fun little changes, blocks and items to help me learn modding.
opensource mobs enchanting tools

Lava Monsters by FatherToast
This is a small mod that adds a new hostile monster to the game that spawns in lava and spits fireballs at you.

Lycanites Mobs by Lycanite (Richard Nicholson)
Lycanites Mobs is a project that adds a wide range of new mobs to Minecraft. The mod adds a group of mobs to each specific biome type as well as other locations such as from Fire or Lava.

Mob Properties by FatherToast
This mod allows you to customize all mobs, vanilla or otherwise, with completely configurable drops, attributes, equipment, potion effects, and even NBT data.
mobs tweak

Morph by iChun
Morph mod, made for ModJam 2. Allows players to acquire the morph skill and turn into other mobs.
random mobs

Pet Bat by AtomicStryker
PetBat mod allows you to tame a bat that will accompany you and help you fighting mobs.
mobs survival opensource

Pokémon: Disciples of Corruption
PkmnMD: Disciples of Corruption is a Pokémon themed Forge mod weakly named after Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
mobs survival