Aether II
The mod includes amazing features such as our advanced party system, our vastly redesigned dungeons, and much, much more.
worldgen dungeons pvp survival tools

Deadly World by FatherToast
This mod adds a few world generation features like landmines, silverfish veins, lava pockets, and things that shoot arrows everywhere, all using blocks and features included in vanilla Minecraft!

DivineRPG adds a great deal of content and challenge. If you're looking for Minecraft on steroids, you've come to the right place!
worldgen mobs survival dimensions dungeons

Doomlike Dungeons
Doomlike Dungeons adds dungeons for those who want adventure, danger, and, uh, violence. This was inspired by Oblige, the level generator for Doom and similar games
survival dungeons worldgen

Dungeon Crawler by FatherToast
Ever wanted to be that one guy that survives by using paper clips? Well fret no more! This mod may not include paper clips, but it does include just about everything you need to survive in a world without the comfort of having a home.
dungeons util

Dungeon Mobs
Dungeon Mobs is intended to be a more dangerous analogue to Mo' Creatures.
dungeons mobs

FloatingRuins by DaftPVF, bspkrs
Floating islands taken from the ground with ruins on top.
worldgen ruins dungeons serverside opensource

GraveStone by NightKosh
This mod adds a gravestone to the game, which 'spawns' at player/villager/dog/cat death.
opensource worldgen dungeons

Hardcore Ender Expansion by chylex
Hardcore Ender Expansion offers unique, new content across the End. The dragon became a truly challenging boss with a great reward, but the adventure doesn't end there. The End is no longer just an island. Go investigate unique ores, battle new mobs, travel to new biomes, the death awaits you!
dimension worldgen dungeons survival hardcore

Ruins Spawning System by AtomicStryker, d00dv4d3r, kolt666, 4HeadTiger, Blue001
Allows highly customizable Structure Templates to randomly generate in your Worlds
worldgen dungeons