Additional Buildcraft Objects by Flow86, blakmajik, Others
Extending Buildcraft with additional pipes and machines.

Additional Pipes by Zeldo, DaStormBringer, Kyprus, gejzer, tcooc, Additional Pipes Contributors
Teleport, insertion, extraction, and other pipes.

Advanced Fluxian Tools by tgame14
A mod that adds broad range tools into minecraft that are powered by redstone flux
opensource tech

opensource HUD

ArmorStatusHUD by bspkrs
ArmorStatusHUD is a client mod that shows your armor and held item stats on the HUD.
clientside HUD armor pvp opensource

Biomes O' Plenty by Forstride, Adubbz, Amnet, ted80
Adds 87 new, unique biomes!
opensource worldgen cosmetic

Briman's Item Search by briman0094
util HUD opensource


Creative Additions by SourceCoded
This is Creative Additions, a mod which helps you a whole bunch if you work on the creative side
opensource productivity creative lightweight

CreeperCollateral by denoflions
Creeper Collateral exposes the rate at which explosions drop block items in a config file. Vanilla minecraft is 0.3. This mod sets the default to 1.0 so no block is ever completely destroyed by a creeper.

CrystalWing by DaftPVF, bspkrs
Crafted using 3 gold ingots, 2 feathers, and an ender pearl, this magical wing will transport you home!
smp transport magic opensource

DenPipes by denoflionsx
DenPipes is a small addon for Buildcraft that implements various pipes that aid in making builds smarter and more compact
addon opensource tech

DenPipes-Emerald by denoflionsx
opensource addon tech

DirectionHUD by bspkrs
DirectionHUD is a client mod that shows a magnetic compass heading at the top of the screen.
clientside HUD opensource

Dynamic Lights Flood Light by AtomicStryker
cosmetic opensource addon

EU/MFR Integration by bdew
opensource tech addon

Electro-Magic Tools by Tombenpotter
Electro-Magic Tools is a mod that combines magic and tech by allowing for magical tools and machines that run off electricity
magic tech opensource