AddedCompat: Alchemy by SkylordJoel
AddedCompat revolves mostly around alchemy, a spiritual successor to Equivalent Exchange 3 for 1.6.2. Currently, IC2 is supported but plans to support more mods exist.
addon tech

Advanced Fluxian Tools by tgame14
A mod that adds broad range tools into minecraft that are powered by redstone flux
opensource tech

Advanced Solar Panels by SeNtiMeL, Icedfire
Advanced solar panels is new generation of using solar power. This is addon for IndustrialCraft 2

Applied Energistics by AlgorithmX2
A Mod About energy, and matter. Oh wait thats everything...
tech storage

Applied Energistics 2 by AlgorithmX2
A Mod about Matter, Energy and using them to conquer the world..
tech storage

BuildCraft by SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team
Extending Minecraft with pipes, auto-crafting, quarries, engines and much more!
tech worldgen

Charge Pads by Myrathi
ChargePads provides new IC2 blocks that, when stood upon, will recharge IC2 items.

ChemLab by Itaros
This mod adds the ability to play with items at molecular level. Hardcore automation experience awaits you!
tech addon worldgen survival

Compact Solar Arrays by cpw
Compact Solar Arrays, an Industrial Craft 2 mod that adds in three new Solar Panel type blocks: Solar Arrays. Solar Arrays condense 8 (Low Voltage), 64 (Medium Voltage) or 512 (High Voltage) Industrial Craft 2 solar panels into a single block. This significantly reduces the CPU impact of large amounts of Solar Energy gathering so is a common server enhancement.
tech addon

CompactWindmills by Aroma1997, Schillaa
This mod/addon for IndustrialCraft2 adds CompactWindmills to the game. They are basically More Windmills within one Block: Availible in ELV(8EU/t), LV(32EU/t), MV(128EU/t), HV(512EU/t) and EV(2048EU/t). They save CPU if used in big power plants.
tech addon

ComputerCraft by Daniel Ratcliffe, Aaron Mills
ComputerCraft adds Computers, Programming and Robotics to Minecraft.
computers tech

DenPipes by denoflionsx
DenPipes is a small addon for Buildcraft that implements various pipes that aid in making builds smarter and more compact
addon opensource tech

DenPipes-Emerald by denoflionsx
opensource addon tech

Dynamic Liquid Tanks 2 by DocRedstone,
Dynamic Liquid Tanks is a mod that is based upon storing liquids in Minecraft in a limitless combination using multi-block structures, so that they look just the way that you want them to!!

EU/MFR Integration by bdew
opensource tech addon

ElectriCraft adds a new way to transport and store RotaryCraft power. Like ReactorCraft, this mod is dependent on RotaryCraft.

Electro-Magic Tools by Tombenpotter
Electro-Magic Tools is a mod that combines magic and tech by allowing for magical tools and machines that run off electricity
magic tech opensource

Ender IO by crazypants
Compact conduits, painted things and access to your stuff through an eye of ender.
tech storage

Ender Utilities by masa
Some random, hopefully fun, and possibly even useful utilities (Modjam 4)
opensource modjam teleport random tech