Aether II
The mod includes amazing features such as our advanced party system, our vastly redesigned dungeons, and much, much more.
worldgen dungeons pvp survival tools

Aliens vs Predator mod (for 1.7.2) by Ri5ux
This mod adds in the three main species involved in the movies as mobs, aliens, predators, and of course a few human variants. And of course you will need something to kill those enemies with, so we added a bunch of new weapons yo obliterate them with!
mobs survival tools

Arcane Ascension 2 by calebmanley
This is an official update to the Arcane Ascension mod, originally by:Murayama (MTG artist Dan Scott)AreusPheenixm and dgary. The main feature of the mod is the mystical floating islands.
worldgen survival tools

ChemLab by Itaros
This mod adds the ability to play with items at molecular level. Hardcore automation experience awaits you!
tech addon worldgen survival

DivineRPG adds a great deal of content and challenge. If you're looking for Minecraft on steroids, you've come to the right place!
worldgen mobs survival dimensions dungeons

Doomlike Dungeons
Doomlike Dungeons adds dungeons for those who want adventure, danger, and, uh, violence. This was inspired by Oblige, the level generator for Doom and similar games
survival dungeons worldgen

ElvenTools by reginn
util opensource survival

ExNihilo (for 1.7.2) by Erasmus_Crowley
A mod designed specifically for skyblock maps
survival skyblock

Hardcore Ender Expansion by chylex
Hardcore Ender Expansion offers unique, new content across the End. The dragon became a truly challenging boss with a great reward, but the adventure doesn't end there. The End is no longer just an island. Go investigate unique ores, battle new mobs, travel to new biomes, the death awaits you!
dimension worldgen dungeons survival hardcore

HarvestCraft Waila Fixes by squeek
An add-on for Pam's HarvestCraft that fixes a few missing names/icons in Waila tooltips
opensource survival addon

MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits by MachineMuse
A mod which adds modular power armor, power tool, and a tinker table to configure them. Uses UniversalElectricty or IC2 for energy.
armor tech survival

More Nether Ores by GoodMiner
This mod adds new ores and block in the Nether with more tools and materials.
worldgen tools survival

Morpheus by Quetzi
Morpheus is a server-only mod that adds sleep voting to a forge based server. When a player sleeps, all other players in the same dimension are notified so it is easier to coordinate.
serverside survival

Pet Bat by AtomicStryker
PetBat mod allows you to tame a bat that will accompany you and help you fighting mobs.
mobs survival opensource

Pokémon: Disciples of Corruption
PkmnMD: Disciples of Corruption is a Pokémon themed Forge mod weakly named after Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky.
mobs survival