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Gregicality Ore Addon by pablocnvs

This Gregicality Addon (if you can't tell by its name) provides more ore processing chains for existing and new ores.

Gregious Maximus by NepJr

Implementing stuff in GregTech Community Edition Unofficial to have tiers up to MAX.

Gregtech Drawers by integerlimit_, ung3froren, Raptor__

Rubber and Treated Wood Drawers from GTCEu

Grey Goo 2 by LegioXV, StevenRS11

Destroy all things!

Grey Resources by Dorian Greyson, MCreator

A small handful of resources for the KGS server

Grid by Giselbaer

Some Mod

GridLines by Gjum


Designed to defend world from all types of grief.


This plugin is designed to prevent all forms of grief.


This is an example mod