Joshcraft by 2011josh
This mod in a collection of ideas suggested by my stream. we have spent a long time working on this together, so please enjoy
Joshua's Christmas Mod by Joshua Stone
Adds Christmas-themed features such as Christmas trees and lights, sugar cookies, and so on.
JournalDunNoob-1.12.2 by Victor, MCreator
thats a mod
Journey Map Api for 1.7.10 by 1whohears
Added a few features from newer versions to journeymap 1.7.10. Includes waypoint sharing and formatted text.
Journey Map Radar 1.7.10 by 1whohears
A Journey Map 'Addon' that gives players a 'radar' that displays the pings as waypoints
Journey Mod by Medic_Gaming
A mod especially for my best friend!
Journey To Gensokyo by Katrix
Bridge mod of the RTY modpack
JourneyMap Server by mysticdrew, techbrew
Server stuff for JourneyMap
JourneyMap Unlimited Edition by techbrew (Mark Woodman)
Real-time map in-game or in a web browser as you explore.
JourneyMapDefaults by BinaryCraft
Allows mod pack makers to easily provide customised default settings for JourneyMap
JourneyX by tima_, MCreator
Joy of Painting by xerca
This mod lets you craft a blank canvas and a palette, with which you can paint your own pictures and hang them on a wall like the vanilla paintings. Let your creativity roam free or paint memes and experience the joy of painting.
Joypad / SplitScreen Mod
Play Minecraft splitscreen using gamepad controllers!!