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Youtubers+ Mod

This mod adds youtubers and other people into minecraft


Thanks for download the mod :D hopy enjoy

Yqloss Overlay by Yqloss, Q_TT

YuTanLib by Txur'itan, yu02241

Lib for the YuTan mods.

Yuei by nunos, MCreator



Yugioh Mod by Titoo8899, MCreator

Yugioh Mod


Modyfikacja dodajaca plecaki z pokemon. Z modyfikacji moze korzystac tylko serwer PokeCountry

Yukkuri Manju by Hirosuke

This mod adds eatable yukkuri manju to your minecraft.

Yukon Mod by Thirdlp (old Name: Nagorni)

This mod extended your survival adventure in minecraft. Diamond is not everything and there could be more found than this. Find new ores that based on gemstones all over the 3 dimensons in minecraft and make better tools,weaphons and armors.

Yuky's_HerbMedinice by Usuario, MCreator

Yum Chocolate mod by Sprax, MCreator

Yummy Chocolates With special powers!