VMC_UTILS_LITE_1.12.2 by JTPC, MCreator
VMOD by Xx_win10_xX, MCreator
Villager MOD(VMOD)
VMovement by VinTarZ
VOID BOSS by cubic, MCreator
This is an example mod
VPNBlocker by EdeK_
Server Side Forge Mod to block VPN connections with server
VSMobs 2 by azu_ver2.0(azudroid)
VSmobs 2 mod will realize Minecraft mobs each other battles ! Example: Zombies VS Skeletons, Ender Dragon VS Wither, and team battle by several kinds of mobs. Corresponding to the mobs of other mods !
VSimpleCoords by Vinetos
Afficher les coordonées facilement.
Vacuum Horizon by RonFall
Discover new, explore the Universe. Vacuum after horizon...
Valeheim Cheat Sword by miles, MCreator
Valentine's day mod by fapdos, MCreator
Valentine's day in minecraft