Voltz Utils by Kolatra
Voltz Utility Mod
Volumetric Flask by Epix Zhang
Volumetric Flask
Vortex Mod by Owner
Vortex2Oblivion's More Diamonds by Paul, MCreator
VortexPower by appelgebakje22, sandvich2302, TeamS
New machines, tools, ores and more!
VortexUtilities by Luck9r
Adding stuff for VortexCraft server.
Vortexcraft by Goldengamer10 (Gold)
Vote Command by Rick South
Adds a configurable informational /vote command which tells players how and where to vote.
Vote4Dis by Time6628
A Redis powered vote listener.
VoteEggColorFix by MyFTB
Bringt die Färbung der verschiedenen VoteEggs zurück ins Spiel.
VoteRestart by SeraphJACK
Vote to restart.