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Lumina by Nuparu00, MCreator

Lumina is a mod that adds throwable glowstick to Minecraft. This mod is meant to be used as an example of using an external API (in this case - Mirage API by Elytra group) in MCreator.

Luminous Flowers by pekorin

§bキレイ§cに §eお花§cが 咲きました!!

Lumpi by Eman_not_ava, Purplicious_Cow

LeKoopa's Lumpi!

LunaTest by Lunatrius

Debugging mod. Does nothing useful.

Lunar Apocalypse by Nomedy aka nlck

A couple years ago, a meteor crashed into the moon, in which pieces of the moon crashes all over the earth, slaying the O-zone layer. Now, it is up to you to save the world, will you bring back hope? or will you perish trying?

LunarKeystrokesMod by Kopamed

Shows your keystrokes and CPS ingame. | Made with <3 by Kopamed

LunarLawnChair by Snoop

Lunar spell multiplier carculator.



LunatriusCore by Lunatrius

A collection of utilities for Lunatrius' mods.

library opensource

Lunch Box! by jeremias, MCreator


My second modification, please love it <3 xD


for lunern

Luppii's Green Mod by Luppii

Aesthetic items and blocks!