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WSBIM: Legacy Blocks and Items by FinalKG

Recreated by FinalKG, this minecraft mod adds all of the blocks and items that I think should be in minecraft. Got ideas for the mod? Post on the forums!

WTAPv2 by ExampleDude

Example placeholder mod.

WTFRocks by RCXcrafter

Addon for whiskytangofox's mods for more stone type compatibility

WTFs Gameplay Tweaks by WhiskyTangoFox

WTFs-Expedition- Gameplay Tweaks


WTP, or What's this pack, simply displays a modpack name or a message in the upper left corner of the main menu. The string and color are both configurable.


WTP, or What's this pack, simply displays a modpack name or a message in the upper left corner of the main menu. The string and color are both configurable.

WThieves' RoadWorks by WThieves

Allows you to construct roads with markings all around your world, a highly decorative mod for those citybuilders among us.

WW SYSTEM by zheka_100500

Waer World SYSTEM.

WWE's Auto 32k by IKnowImEZ/THEREALWWEFAN231, wwe client

Auto 32k mod, keybind ', can be changed in keybind settings


This is an example mod

WXL_ by User, MCreator