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Wool2String by christmasdog

Implements a crafting recipe that can convert wool into string.

WoolIntoStrings-1.12.2 by Loncore, MCreator

Simply craft Strings from the Wool!

WoolIntoStrings-1.12.2-1.0.1 by Loncore, MCreator

Simply craft strings

WoolPlus by BloxcastJason, MCreator

WoolPlus adds fun and random items

WoolToString by LiteralyPotato

Thanks for downloading my mod. To use it, just put a piece of wool into a crafting table to get back 4 string.

WoolWars+ by Mqlvin

A mod providing QOL features to the Hypixel gamemode WoolWars.


wool to string


Wool to string. Duh.

Wooly Cow by Kleiders

Woot by Ipsis

The alternative mob spawner/grinder system

Wopper by Ellpeck

A mod that adds a wooden hopper

Word Filter by vova7865, Hurricane Studios

Lets you set up custom chat filters, customize warnings, slowmode, identical messages filtering, etc.

Word Fire Work by TS

To make beautiful fire work

WordBlocks by NurseAngel