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DiscordRPI by Beshelmek

Enables discord integration.

DiscordStatusRole by WinDanesz

Discord Status Role

DiscordSuite by Coded

Minecraft Discord Enhancement Mod

DiscordWarriors by Nonopichy#1373

Algum mod.

Discount Superheroes by FiskFille

Turns out all the heavy-hitters were way too expensive. Due to severe, extensive and debilitating budget cuts, this was the best we could do.

Discovery Jar by Filloax

Jar mod for the Discovery Modpack.

Disenchanter by Impelon

A small Mod adding a block to disenchant Items

Disenchanter by Impelon

A small Mod adding a block to disenchant Items

Disenchantment Edit Table by ji_GGO, jiGGO, Nice cat

Disenchantment Edit Table

Disguise by Lomeli12

Hide from mobs using their skulls! ...nothing creepy about that, right?


This mod adds in TNT disguised as ores! perfect for trolling your friends.