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Dynamic Surroundings by OreCruncher

Improving Minecraft's sight and sound experience

Dynamic Surroundings Unofficial by Abastro, OreCruncher

Improving Minecraft's sight and sound experience

Dynamic Surroundings: HUDs by OreCruncher

Adds several HUDs that were originally in Dynamic Surroundings

Dynamic Sword Skills by coolAlias

Bored of Minecraft combat? Parry, dodge, unleash devastating blows, and more!

Dynamic Torches by Eyeronic

Satisfies your OCD and automatically positions torches exactly in a corner where possible.

Dynamic Transport by Slime Void Crew

The Dynamic Transport mod

Dynamic Trees by Ferreus Veritas

Trees that grow.. forests that spread

Dynamic Trees by Ferreus Veritas

Trees that grow.. forests that spread

Dynamic Trees BOP by mangoose

Adding Dynamic Trees compatability for Biomes O' Plenty

Dynamic Trees Compatibility for Climatic Biomes by JaredBGreat (Jared Blackburn)

Adds dynamic trees compatibilty to climatic biomes

Dynamic Trees Extra Compatibility by Max Hyper

Adds compatibilities between dynamic trees and Twilight Forest

Dynamic Trees PHC by ferreusveritas

Adding Dynamic Trees compatability for Pam's Harvestcraft

Dynamic Trees Roots by Dumdidldum, Kat (5B)

Adds the Roots tree to dynamic trees.

Dynamic Trees TC by mangoose

Adding Dynamic Trees compatability for Thaumcraft 6

Dynamic Trees for Atum by Max Hyper

Adds compatibilities between dynamic trees and Atum

Dynamic Trees for Auxiliary Biomes by Haadt

Replaces the trees added by Auxiliary Biomes with dynamic versions.

Dynamic Trees for Corvus by Harley O'Connor

Adds compatibility between Dynamic Trees and Corvus.

Dynamic Trees for Cuisine by Max Hyper

Adds compatibilities between dynamic trees and Cuisine

Dynamic Trees for Defiled Lands by Max Hyper

Adds compatibilities between dynamic trees and Defiled Lands